We are working on isolating and fixing every issue that we're aware of. Some issues might not be listed here. We characterise Known Issues as follows:

  • We can consistently reproduce an issue or unexpected behavior.
  • We are actively working towards a fix to correct the behavior.
  • The issue has been reported by a significant number of users/support cases.

Please lodge any issues with our support team at support@playfootball.com.au 

All issues that are being experienced should be raised to the support team and should include:

  • Club Name
  • Impacted user (Admin/Participant)
  • Details of steps taken
  • Screenshots or Screen recordings


DateIssueUser Impacted ImpactStatus*WorkaroundPhoto (Click to enlarge)

Unable to pay club fee regardless of payment option selected

When a Club creates a product with upfront fees the system defaults the club portion to 'Offline' during payment if governing body fees are all $0.

16/02/2024Participant unable to submit rego due to ineligibility toast participantsThe participant is not able to register through the system. This error message is a complete blocker and there is no workaround.

Participants receive an email informing them they are blockedParticipantsParticipants receive an email indicating they are blocked after their registration has been activated Fixed

Nationality/Country of Birth Error

Users can't complete Step 2 of registration for linked profiles due to the required fields, nationality, and country of birth being grayed out and unfilled, preventing registration submission

Product URL Error

Clicking on a product URL without prior sign-in doesn't lead directly to the product. Most first-time users won't be signed in

Users should log into their participant account and then paste the provided URL into their browser.

Emergency Contact Details Jumbled Up Error

In Step 3 of registration, when a profile is claimed, fields like 'first name', 'surname', 'phone number', and 'email' are mixed up. 

Reordering is needed to continue registration


NULL Emergency Contact Other Section Error

ParticipantsIn Step 3 of registration, if a profile is claimed, the phone number under "Emergency Contact - Other" shows as "NULL". 

Participants must remove "NULL" to proceed
Placeholder photos, depicting an AI photo of a  girl, are recorded on participants' profiles ParticipantsPlaceholder photos are displayed on participants' profiles when they haven't uploaded a photo during the registration process 
Participants should upload a photo during the registration flow
Redirect club from current PF Finder to Lets PFParticipants

28/02/2024Logic in system to finish registration when fee is $0Participants
FixedParticipants can now submit registration when fees are 

Participants who have an existing account with the “Google Social Login” are unable to access the new system. 


Contact support

“You are not eligible for this product” error message - We have noticed that this error appears in the self reg flow when a participant goes back to check their details after getting to step 6 (the review stage). 

MonitoringUsually occurs when participant has too many draft registrations. Deleting these drafts can unblock this error message. 
11/03/2024Email sent when inviting Family member directs to wrong linkParticipants

12/03/2024No option for 'Homeschooled or Not applicable' in schools listParticipants
In progress

12/03/2024When club provides 1 payment option, the payment screen does not select the payment option and defaults to pay for all feesParticipants


7/03/2024 Voucher code uses not reflecting whether they have been redeemed or notAdminsClubs are not able to track who has used what voucher & the redeemed/uses amount does not reflect correctlyIn progress